

The inspection and certification are the main activities of CCPB srl. The pursuit of quality, credibility, increasing the added value and innovation have always been the mission that has inspired and supported the work of CCPB . For more information see www.ccpb.it/en.

The Vegan OK Team makes an ethical evaluation of the company before giving certification for their products. Also a check on product labels is carried out before they are placed on the market. The company is committed to respect in its entirety the disciplinary Vegan OK.

Everyone can develop nickel allergy. Our kidneys can remove most of the nickel absorbed by us during the day, but larger doses or constant exposure may develop nickel allergy with reactions on the skin exposed to it. The Nickel Tested logo certifies traces of nickel analyzed.

Web page puroBIO manufacturer: https://purobiocosmetics.com

© Stoeveken Cosmetics Ltd., Wellington

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