Our Money-Back-Guarantee

We are convinced about the quality of our products, so we offer a full Money Back Guarantee for all our products.

It is really simple: we only ask you to give the product 4 weeks to work for you (products sent back earlier are not refundable). When starting a beauty care regimen, it may take time to see the desired results. If at the end of 4 weeks you are not satisfied, please return the unused portion to us, use the original container and write a letter explaining to us why you are returning the product. Include your complete name, address, your bank account details and your original order number, which we sent to you in your order confirmation. Refunds are processed and sent within 14 days.

Certainly you understand that we do not refund shipping costs. Also, to avoid misuse, refunds are limited to 2 times in one year for the same customer and must be claimed within one week from date of purchase.

We hope that this customer-friendly return policy encourages you to experience truly 100% natural and certified organic beauty care!

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